The Empty Space In My Head

So what? Stuff happens in life and...who cares if you're ready, right? You just do it!

07 November 2006

He misses you, us. And so she writes.

He asked me once,

"What happened to us?"

I just sat there and said,

"Who? Us? We're OK. Are we not?"

He meant us. You, me, and him.

We used to be good friends, you, me, and him. There was a time we were inseperable.

You, me, and him.

Then it was you and me, and him.

And we were still good friends. But you and me, we were better friends.

You & me, and him.

That, however, was only momentary.

A chapter told as it ended too soon.

'Til there was only you, and me and him.

'Til there was only me and him.

And now he misses you.

With us gone.

Soon, no one left but


