The Empty Space In My Head

So what? Stuff happens in life and...who cares if you're ready, right? You just do it!

15 June 2006

Flame to the Moth

Encounters under the most unlikely situations.

A common ground.

Your point of contact.

Without much choice, you found yourself face to face with him whom you've run away from most of your life. You present your facade and put on your bravest face. But he sees right through your walls.

He who embodies everything you've always longed for. He has a way of speaking to you with the passion of a thousand lovers' hearts. As you lay on the grass, him beside you whispering into your ear promises of forever, ricordo di sinceré amore. You turn and look into his eyes and see his soul silently screaming his zeal.

And you believed. Without a single thread of doubt, you let him into you. To feel, to explore. And he conquered.

Somehow, you feel you belong.

He owns you now.