The Empty Space In My Head

So what? Stuff happens in life and...who cares if you're ready, right? You just do it!

22 June 2006

Converse or Reverse

It's all about the he said, she said, what-the-fuck-does-that-have-to-do-with-anything vocal fencing.

He sat across from her on the breakfast table. Over frosted wheaties, milk, OJ and toast, he skimmed through the World section.

"That sheriff was convicted yesterday, I saw it on the nightly news"

"Oh, yeah?"

"And they named two new moons on Pluto. Nix and Hydra"

"Yeah, I read that. I'm going to the dry cleaners later, do you want me to bring your suit in?"

"Please. We have invites to that party. Do you want to confirm or shall I?"

"I'll do it. Pass the milk"

"Oh look, the neighbor's cat is in our yard again"

"I need new tires for my car"

"I don't like peas"

He reaches for the sports section this time. And he wonders, when did their conversations become prosaic? Well, on the other hand, at least they still talk. And talk is good. Cheap, but it's okay, really.