The Empty Space In My Head

So what? Stuff happens in life and...who cares if you're ready, right? You just do it!

02 April 2007


And our gaze met.
The earth stopped and time stopped.
And I was frozen.
Three seconds of eternity's worth.

Looking through the window of our souls.
The truth emmiting from your eyes.
Haunting me,
taunting me.
That overwhelming joy we shared.
So we pranced as we travelled the rainbows of forever.
To reach that metaphorical pot of gold.
After all that's been,
Fate is still a tease.
I denied it.
Resistance worthless.
Run if you must.
Hide, you can never.
A handful of sand to throw into the grave.
A pile of dirt to cover up the past.
The perfect irony.

And our gaze met.
The earth stopped
and time stopped.
And I was frozen.
Three seconds of eternity's worth.
Three seconds of surrender.
Never again.
Never again?