The Empty Space In My Head

So what? Stuff happens in life and...who cares if you're ready, right? You just do it!

16 January 2007

Receptive Resistance

Someone very wise once said, "There is no greater courage than the one who kisses first."

I wish I had that courage.
To come close.
To smile.
To give a hug.
To lean in for a kiss.
But I don't.

I stand in the corner and wait.
I wait in vain for a chance.
For an encounter.
For a moment.

I choose to stand witness
and not get too close.
I let things happen around me
without getting involved.

I observe.
I am an audience to life.
I see things and tell stories.
I feel things and write emotions.
Not mine though.

I'd like to stay here
Just be here
And when you finally come to realize me
I will be here
Just here
Knowing you'll have the courage for the both of us
And kiss me first

Kiss me
And I will be the lasting silence
The silence that screams a thousand lovers' glee

Kiss me
As I remain still

Kiss me